Marriages are exclusive instances to commemorate, no matter where you are in the universe Each traditions has its own distinct wedding customs. While some of these festivals does remain distinct from one another, they all reflect a culture’s beliefs and values.
In Taiwan, the wedding eve ceremony is an important pre-wedding ritual that is held at the bride’s home. The couple showers with water infused with pomelo or pomegranate leaves to cleanse off bad spirits and change into new clothing and shoes. Attending female family members will then comb the bride’s hair and give her blessings as she sits in front of a mirror or window. A sweet dessert soup containing pink glutinous rice spherical dumplings (tang yuan, ) is served after the hair combing ceremony to wish the newlyweds a full and sweet marriage.
Sparklers are ignited when the groom’s Tempo vehicle arrives at the bride’s home to warn her that her soon-to-be partner is in sight. A younger part of the couple’s relatives will then be waiting outside the door with two significant tangerines covered in red paper and a gloomy wedding tray. Great riches and reproduction are represented by the tangerines.
After the zhongshan, the wife is ushered out of her parents’ residence( without stepping on the agency) supported by her match and Hao Ming Po, her dad- in- law. She next bids her relatives a happy farewell and thanks them for their care and love. She will throw a fan in the air that has been tied with red letters before the wife travels. This implies that she will adopt her dad’s previous label instead of her community brand.